⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviews -Risky Business

Huge thanks to all the incredible audiences that rocked up to The Stand Comedy Club at this year’s Edinburgh Festival; a lot of fun was had! Audience and press reactions have been incredible! Take a look at the below reviews…

Tom hits the road with his Risky Business tour in September playing 75+ dates the UK and Ireland until March 2025.

”“A joke heavy hour of relatable comedy…he smashes it…all ages howling with laughter”  ★★★★ On The Mic UK 

“Stade strikes gold with his playfully exaggerated potshots across the ages; punchily expressed. The gags remain highly polished and expertly delivered by an old pro who makes stand up look effortless”  ★★★★ Chortle 

“Still feels as fresh and youthful as three decades ago. Thanks to the whirlwind force of Stade’s persona, he finds fresh angles. He’s a slick operator,  with crowd work that never threatens to throw his rhythm out of whack.  Athletic finesse…jokes that are machine-tooled in their precision and effortless in their delivery.  ★★★★ The List 

“Really clever; he leaves no one behind; he interprets the old for the young and translates back again for the old.  A show full of great big laughs.  Stade’s laid-back delivery allows him to land every punchline, with rhythmic precision.  He hits gold.” ★★★★ Scotsman